Feb 24-26 |
Another windy, monotonous 3-hour ride down the east coast. I had been considering a quick detour to go diving in the Perhantian Islands or Redang Island. But once I got to the ferry departure, I had missed the last ferry (less were running due to stormy weather). Made a quick detour into Cherating, then rolled on to Terrenganu 30km down the road.
Terengganu exceeded expectations as soon as I rode into town. It is one of the nicest towns I have visited in Malaysia, a really clean, orderly, friendly beach-side town (I met graduate students from Africa and the Middle East who are studying at the local university). There is a nice beach right in town. I ate at two different Yemeni restaurants, both excellent. The last highlight was my guesthouse, which was really decent and great hosts. One highlight was a visit to the Terranganu Museum, which is the largest in SEAsia (or something like that). In particular, the old houses exhibited on the grounds were really interesting, including one where King Chulalongkorn, one of Thailand’s most famous leaders, stayed in the 1800s.
Ride: 130 km | 3 hrs
Stay: Angel Resthouse | 4/5